I went to a funeral service for the mother of a neighbor/ward family yesterday. She passed away from terminal cancer. This family was one of the strongest families I've even known! Several months ago, one of the daughters was on an LDS mission in England and passed away. No one expects to go through trials like this. Especially within such a short time frame. But throughout everything, this family has provided an incredible example for so many people. Me included. I just wanted to mention a couple of thoughts/impressions that I gained during the service:

1. The gospel is real!
2. Satan and his followers will never give up, but will ultimately lose.
3. The closer you draw unto the Savior, the easier it is to follow his teachings and to know what's right.
4. Providing service is one of the best ways to draw close to the Savior.

Life doesn't always go as we plan. We will all have trials, and at times will try us to our very core. That's why this quote by Albert Einstein applies so well:

The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them.

We may not always know why we face trials. But if we can learn from them, pressing forward through them, we will come out a better person in the end.

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About Me

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Farmington, Utah, United States
I'm an energetic, outgoing, friendly, genuine guy. I love to make friends and I enjoy life. I'm goal driven and optimistic. I love to smile and have fun. I grew up in Sandy, Utah till I was about 10. Since then, I've been in Farmington, Utah. I grew up in a very family oriented home. Because of that, family is very important to me. We loved to go on family vacations and to play games. I love to play all types of card and board games. Nertz is one of my favorites. I also grew up playing all different types of sports: football, baseball, wrestling, soccer and basketball. I am a HUGE sports fan!!! I love the Angels, the 49ers, and the Jazz. I served an LDS mission in Milan, Italy. From my mission I learned to get to know people for who they truly are. I learned to care for people, despite our similarities and/or differences. Life is full of so many opportunities. Sometimes you just need to take a chance and see what will happen.
